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A Safe Space to Share and Heal

I’m Jenny Parry - Counsellor and Healer based in Mid Devon and online - specialising in supporting women  to find the healing and transformation points in life’s complexity.


Working together therapeutically we will deepen those moments into new perspectives, internally generated wisdom and peaceful embodiment.


I specialise in providing a caring, supportive environment where you feel heard, understood and empowered to feel safe to stop and come into being.


Working creatively and mindfully you will find yourself feeling more centred and inspired as you discover inner resources you hadn't recognised you had.


I will work with you to create a system of practices for well-being that suit your individual nature. 


Whether you're facing a situation of loss, trauma or adversity, or actually everything looks good in your world, but it doesn't feel that way on the inside. I am here to help you re-claim equilibrium and peace of mind.



Contact Me

Why Choose therapy?

Counselling offers a gentle process in which the therapist and client working together transmute suffering into growth   

Woman sitting in a bright room, with her head in her hands, crisis, feeling of crisis, ray

Suffering Alone

Whether you're experiencing loss, trauma, or adversity, anxiety, depression or devastation -  seeking professional counselling is the first step to healing and growth

woman meeting her lost self, feeling the pain dissolve, heart and soul healing, gentle col

Feeling your way through

I offer a safe gentle heart-space, support and skills to enable you to feel your way through and beyond the suffering

Graceful Woman. face full of wisdom, quiet joy in her eyes, sitting on a bench under a tre

Re-Discovering your Self

You are likely to begin to feel the benefits within 4 weeks as gently, subtly, the pain will ease and a transition will begin as you awaken to a deeper resonance with yourself

Experience Change with Jennifer Parry - Counsellor

Your Well-Being Is in Good Hands

Ducks Over the Lake

Let it Go,
Let it Out,
Let it all unravel,
Let it free
And it will be
A path on which to travel


A Bit About Therapy

Personalized Attention for Your Specific Needs

I work with you to create a relationship in which you can access physical and emotional calmness and equilibrium.  From there creative processes help you develop understanding  and self-compassion. This creates a  foundation for adopting new attitudes and feelings towards life situations. 

 It is essential to keep in mind that therapy is not a magic pill or a quick fix: therapy is a healing process that necessitates participation and investment from the client and therapist alike. But in the end, making small changes to self-defeating behaviour and coping with feelings of sadness, fear, and pain can bring life-altering results.


Services I Offer

With You Every Step of the Way

Foggy Pier
Ducks Over the Lake

Crisis Management

Here for You when it matters most

Get in Touch

Soul-Making Therapy

Deepening into Self to cultivate Joy

Get in Touch

Contact Me

Mid Devon, UK

07977 405043

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